Sunday Social

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Saturday, March 09, 2013
Today I am linking up for Sunday Social

1. What is one movie you are terrified to watch?
That would be any scary move! I think too much and start imagining myself in the movie, then I can't sleep...yeah it's not good! 

2. What is one TV show you have always wanted to get into but haven't yet?
The Big Bang Theory. I have seen a few episodes and found it hilarious just never watched it from the beginning. 

3. What is one daring activity on your bucket list?
To go skydiving with my husband. It is something he really wants to do, but I'm not quite ready yet. 

4. Would you ever travel alone? 
If I had to, but I like to travel with my husband. It wouldn't be the same without him.

5. What activities do you like to do alone?
I love to go to Target alone, I can spend lots of time in there and I don't like to feeling rushed! I love cleaning/organizing alone, I get in the zone and knock it out if I'm not distracted. I need to cherish these alone moments pretty soon I will be a mama and will not have as much alone time. 
Happy Sunday :)

4 comments on "Sunday Social"
  1. Hi! I am a new follower from the Sunday Social! I LOVE going to Target alone. I can spent 2 hours in there no problem and hate feeling rushed! The best thing about a Target is that they are the same everywhere. If you're ever homesick you can just go to a Target and pretend you're somewhere else. :) Have a great day!

  2. If hubby goes to Target with me, my trips are often short - if I go alone, my trips can be as long as I wish (and I probably spend money too).

    Stopping by from the social :)

  3. Love Target! Just wandering around the aisles, looking at everything, mentally decorating everything in my much fun.

    I can't imagine sky makes me totally freak out just thinking about it. so lame I know.

    new follower :)

  4. I missed the Big Bang Theory train too. I keep meaning to catch up on it but I feel like I'm so far behind!

    And Targeting alone is awesome!


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