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Wife After God: Come Join In!

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Monday, December 30, 2013

As you know I had a baby this year, but I am still a wife and I purpose to never let my role as a mother consume me entirely that I forget about my husband. I am super excited to read (and review) Wife After God:Drawing Closer to God and Your Husband devotional on 1/1/14. This is such a great way to start the new year.

I would love for you to join me and at the end of the month I will be posting my review. In the meantime grab a copy for yourself, there is even a Kindle version so you can download right to your favorite device so you have it in time to start.

**Update: The Kindle version is on sale right now 12/31/13-1/1/14 for $0.99!!! Wife After God

I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion. No other compensation was provided and all opinions written are my own.

Love, the Unconditional Kind

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013
I cannot properly express in words the love that I have for my son. I would literally do anything for him. He spend 10 months in my womb, he is a part of me, he is half me. He is such a blessing, I have never known a love like this before. When I see him in pain it hurts me, and I want to take that pain away from him. Watching him grow up is truly amazing, I celebrate in his successes reaching developmental milestones. I crave snuggling with him and spending quiet time without him trying to bust out of my arms to play. Even on the very hardest of days, yes they do occur with an infant, I miss him when he is sleeping. It is such a wonderful feeling to be loved and needed that much by a tiny human. To watch his face light up when he see's my face and to hear him say mama.

It got me to thinking about the love that God has for his children, for us, for me, for you! It is this same kind of love that a mother (or father) has for their child. WOW talk about a revelation! A love that is unconditional. We put 'conditions' on our love walk with people because we get offended, that is truly the bottom line. You may make secret choices that affect that person. Choices you would never think of making for your own child, your flesh and blood. In God's eyes, we are his children, therefore we receive the benefits of being his child. When you get this understanding the word love will never be the same for you again!

5 on Friday

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Friday, December 13, 2013
THE GOOD LIFE BLOGHappy Friday!! M woke up early this morning, 5:40 and thankfully his sweet self was not ready to start his day and went back to bed 20 minutes later. I was planning to get up early today, not quite that early but it definitely stopped any procrastination. I am going to try to start getting up before M. It's nice having some time to myself in the morning and not feeling (cause I am) stumbling into M's room when we wake up together around 7. Now onto my 5.

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Somewhere in the mix of Thanksgiving and our sleep battle I missed celebrating my one year blogiversary. Last year I sat on my couch debating whether or not to hit publish on my first post I stared at my screen for a long time and finally I got the courage to do so. I have so enjoyed blogging over the past year and have met some amazing women! My goal for this year is to blog a bit more, I love writing and I don't set aside enough time to do so.

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My husband has been asking me for my Christmas list for a couple of weeks. I gave him a list and the jacket I wanted were sold out and the scarf I wanted was not available in that color. He told me to scrap the list and make a new one. I have been debating over getting and Erin Condren planner, only the most talked about planner in blogland but $50 seemed a bit high for some paper which I may or may not use frequently. Then I saw this post  for an alternative from PlumPaperDesignsthat would fit me more when I googled life planner. Now I feel that I need this and really hope that I get it!!! 

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Saw this picture on my Instagram feed this week, hilarious!!

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M has been going to work on his crib with that one tooth. 

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I saved the best for last....As of last weekend M says "mama" and officially crawls no more army crawling! He has been saying mum for a while but not mama and he says it when he see's me or when I walk away so he knows I'm his mama. Every time I hear him say mama I can't help but smile this silly smile. 

Naps and Nighttime Nonsese

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013
So I debated about sharing this for a bit, no one likes to talk about ugly days or weeks in my case but then I realized it was an amazing blog post that lifted my spirits and helped me have a better understanding of sleep. Which you can read here. Be prepared this is a long post!

I knew that sleep was going to be sparse as a mother, heck I knew I would have some sleepless nights it's kinda part of being a mom with a baby who is learning constantly. The newborn days passed and somewhere around when M was 2.5 maybe 3 months old we stopped feeling like zombies and could function "normally" or whatever that means haha.

At 4.5 months M went through a sleep regression, uummmmm where was this info that babies sleep regresses? We came out winners after 2 weeks of this regression and by 5 months M settled into his own nap/sleep schedule. NOT in my arms :) I've talked about needed to hold him for naps and sleeping in shifts many times. I had this new found freedom in the middle of the day and a very well rested baby and I liked it, like a lot.

But you see babies are forever growing and changing and what worked today, or what has worked for months, may not be what works anymore. Developmental milestones like rolling over, crawling, standing and teething all disrupt sleep as well as growth spurts. Plus the occasional sicky times which makes your heart hurt seeing your cutie not well.

5 weeks ago our amazing sleep arrangement was disrupted. Let me be real it's like a hurricane swept through our house and we were back to newborn like sleep. It started off with more night waking and so if baby is hungry feed him. Not so bad, at least he was still napping. Week two hit and M decided that he didn't want to go to bed at bedtime, well actually those teeth, (his first one finally broke through the day before Thanksgiving) started to bother him at night and the pain was keeping him up. I am not big on giving him medicine all the time I much prefer a homeopathic approach but after 3 hours I relized that this was beyond Hylands teething gel and cold teethers. So a few nights out of the week we had to give him Tylenol and hoped each morning that we would see the tooth that was causing trouble. All the while still waking up at night but napping.

Things escalated and those night wakings turned into 2 sometimes 3 hour sessions of a wakeful and very playful baby who screamed when put down, and not a scream of pain just a I want to be with you come back. I thought ok he needs some extra snuggles I will sacrifice what little sleep I'm getting because he needs this.

Week 3 hit and the sleep floodgates opened, NO naps, night waking + needing to be held and nursed/rocked until he was completely asleep. Yes I nurse my baby to sleep AND I don't mind and truthfully love it, but during week 3 I was pretty worn out and sleep deprived. I didn't feel like myself and was super emotional. I tried co-sleeping just so we could rest but M thought it was playtime and I finally called in the reinforcements (my mom) to help because I was losing my mind or at least felt like it. At this point he was also wide awake around 5am.

I was pretty adamant about not co-sleeping and no sleep training. Well let me let you in on a little secret, your ideas, plans and reasons for choosing a way to parent pre-baby are usually unrealistic at some point and you have to re-evaluate and find a better way if you are big on not doing something. Co-sleeping is not for us, it doesn't work, it did for a short time in the beginning but not now, my husband and I literally cannot sleep that way and M well he wakes up with every little noise even with being so close to his mama. That is the reason we transitioned him out of the pack and play and into his own room 4 months ago.

As for sleep training well I had to go there. You see M lost his ability to self-sooth and some point in those 3 weeks, maybe even before that because his mama over here would rush in to rescue him because he was crying. I would't take a moment to pause and see if he would settle again because I thought oh it's his teeth. I was determined to get out of my funk and get M back on track with sleeping, oh my goodness he was overtired!

I never want to make parenting decisions frustrated, my husband and I agreed that we exhausted all other options and sleep training is where we were at. My loving mother came over and sent me away for an hour while M was going to go down for a nap. He was fed, changed and not in any pain and oh so tired! I knew I couldn't stay to listed to the first cry and would feel the need to go in. Well she called after 35 minutes to let me know that my newly standing baby had stopped crying and was now rolling around and playing with a toy. He then took the longest nap in a week 1.5 hours! 2nd nap rolled around and we were out and he knocked out in the car for an hour. Bedtime came and he went right to sleep, at 7:30 and woke up around 9:30 and rolled around and I resisted going in his room and within 10 minutes he was back to sleep and slept through the night! Ummm mama's sanity restored and she even got some much needed sleep :)

It has been two weeks and I realized my sweet boy is a big sleep fighter. At least once a day we have to let him cry it out which has not lasted more than 25-30 minutes. I am not opposed to nursing him to sleep, we do this nightly and I am by no means ready to stop but sometimes he slaps himself to wake up then gets restless and is clearly done eating. He rubs his eyes until they are so red and I know there is nothing else I can do especially when he tries to bust out of my arms. His crying is truly not even really crying, it is more of a whine. Whining because he is so tired and does not know what to do with himself. He knows how to put himself to sleep he just doesn't want to miss out on life when he is sleepy. Now I am not at the point that I can let him cry for more than 25 minutes when I can see on the monitor he is not ready to sleep. I go back in and try again, but in most cases this actually makes it worse and we have to start over and he is even more tired. When he finally gives up and goes to sleep and wakes up a much happier baby and is ready to play more!!

I'm pretty sure the major disruption is sleep was due to all of the new things M can do. He is pulling himself up on everything, cruising and has mastered crawling no more army crawling for this boy, oh and the tooth, that cute little tooth. These milestones interrupt sleep big time! With this being said I still stand by my decision to do some mild sleep training. Self soothing is important, if he didn't relearn this I literally would be holding him for every sleepy moment. That doesn't work for us, it may for some but not us.

I don't have the answers to how to get your baby to sleep through the night, I'm not even looking for M to sleep through the night yet, miraculously he has been for the past two weeks and I know that this could change so I will not dare say he sleeps through the night just yet! I don't have a solution how to get your cutie to stop waking up, I can only offer my encouragement and tell you it happens AND you WILL get through it :) Do what works for you, your baby and your family. I know one day I will be on the opposite side of this sleep battle trying to find ways to wake my M up later in life. Until then I take each day one at a time and hope for the best :)

5 On Friday

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Friday, December 06, 2013
THE GOOD LIFE BLOGHappy Friday :) I was MIA for a lot of November. Family came to visit for 10 days which was so much fun. M had such a great time with my sister in law and his cousins that he only saw once before when he was 4 weeks. Then we had a sleep battle in our house for 2 weeks, left mommy so tired I was going to bed an hour after M. I will be sharing that post later this week.

Then Thanksgiving, it was all I hoped for and more this year as a family of 3. We even took some family pictures for our Christmas cards. Whew, I missed writing!

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Found this post on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago and made it!!

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My house is 95% decorated for Christmas. Super excited for M's first Christmas!!! I ordered our stockings from Pottery Barn on Veterans day and got an amazing deal, I am happy with how our fireplace turned out. Oh and do you see my trees I made??

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Gap super skinny pants and legging jeans are amazing! I am so glad I saw so many posts raving about these pants.  I took advantage of the great sales over this past week and this mommy got some new clothes finally. M will be 9 months and I was making what I had work for reasons I am not even sure of now. I feel great in my new clothes :)

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Cotton babies had a cyber Monday deal and gave $5 off your order. I couldn't help myself so I pre-ordered the Chelsea Perry Top Hat flip. Cannot wait to get M in one!

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So after I ordered that Diaper I was telling my husband that M needed the other new print in my his cloth diaper stash. I entered the Cotton babies contest on Pinterest and I WON it :)

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