Closet Makeover

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Thursday, March 14, 2013
Yesterday I was reading one of my favorite blogs I Heart Organizing and she posted a closet makeover using baskets from the dollar store! I love to reorganize and it gets even better when it doesn't cost a lot!  
Cleaning the closet has been on my to-do list for a while so I did it today. 
Grand total for this project: $15
Now my closet is really big and the shelves are pretty deep so I had a lot of space to work with. On the top shelf I have extra sheets and blankets, it is hard to see that shelf in this picture. On the second shelf I have all of our "toiletries" and they are organized by color and type. The green baskets are my husbands, the teal are things we both use and the red are mine. The third shelf is dedicated to towels and now baby washing items. The fourth shelf contains the medicine & first aid items, lotion, toothpaste etc. The fourth shelf contains travel toiletries, lint rollers and miscellaneous items and my pedicure tub :) The floor holds toilet paper, candles/plug-in air fresheners, mini fans and dog stuff. Whew that is a lot of stuff! 
It makes so much more sense to me now and my husband can finally find what he is looking for.
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