Monday MOMents

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Coming this Monday I will be starting a series called MOMents. Those MOM-moments that I may or may not have know about. I am was a Montessori teacher by day, I teach Sunday school and have babysat kids countless amounts of times. I read books, follow some pretty awesome blogs, and talked to many people all about babies. Therefore expert, right? Oh and let me not forget about Google the time and research spent on there. Once you Google something you then feel like you really know what your talking about or total opposite end of the spectrum where you have just self diagnosed a very terrible condition. I was prepared and feeling pretty awesome about being a Mom!

Ummmmm NO! There is nothing that compares to actually having a real life child, your child with you 24/7. The difference between the research, books, blogs and chats with people was the individual story or the generalized aspect. My son is so not like any other baby, he is unique in every way and as with every child. I'm not just talking about looks either; sleep & eating patterns, swaddle or no swaddle, to swing or not to swing...he is his own person with his own set of preferences.

I didn't read anything about changing a stinky and just as you secure the tabs on the diaper baby decides he wasn't finished...three diapers later and 2 days of this I was onto something. The term "revolving diaper" was made and now we wait a few moments.

I love being a Mom, seriously I feel like I was born to be a Mom and not just because I am a woman. I am learning new things daily and these new discoveries I coin MOMents!
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