Homemade Coffee Creamer

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's no secret to those who know me [in person] that I like a little coffee with my cream. Yeah you read that right, I use lots of cream in my coffee. A couple of months ago after seeing so many recipes on Pinterest I decided to try making my own creamer. Except I didn't have some of the ingredients they were calling for and no fancy cream bottle to contain this deliciousness in. I got over the cream vessel and went ahead and made a batch, I was in love and have made my own creamer since. I was really excited for pumpkin spice creamer and bought some and was so disappointed I dumped my coffee and made poured myself a new cup with this stuff.

Here is what you need:

32 oz Container
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp almond extract
Milk (enough to fill the rest of the bottle)

**Since then I have not found the perfect "pretty" container so I use a 32 oz Nalgene water bottle and it works just fine

Open the can of condensed milk and pour it into your container. I use a thin spatula to get it all out of the can. Add almond extract and fill the rest of the container with milk. Use the spatula to break up the milk as best as possible and shake it until everything is mixed. Enjoy with a cup of hot coffee :)

I have not tried any other flavors yet, but plan to make pumpkin spice in the next week or so and with during Christmastime an eggnog creamer,
4 comments on "Homemade Coffee Creamer"
  1. Cannot wait to try this! How long is it good for?

    XO/Lena @ Root&Blossom

  2. Looks so yummy! I am going to have to try it. Love the coffee cup too ;)

    I am linking up with you via the Thursday link up!




  3. That is a really good idea, creamer is kind of expensive so I never buy it which means I never drink coffee because I am the same way- a little coffee with my creamer. I'm going to try this out!
    Also I have the exact same cups, I love them they are so pretty! :)

  4. Hey- great idea!!
    Thanks for the tip's, I am going to play around with this for sure!
    lhasa :. http://lhasaslovelyday.com
    PS: I mom-hopped over here- I'll add you to my follow list because you blog is so cute!


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