Another week linking up with Becky. I have been a mother for such a short time and let me tell you I think this was my true calling in life. Getting this post started was hard, I never thought about my goals as a Mother before. I'm so glad I figured out my goals and I can't wait to look back at them someday.
Have fun growing up I remember my parents took my brother and I to the park a lot, and played for hours on end with us. My Dad even played Barbies with me. We built forts and slept on the hideaway bed every weekend just becuase we could. In this day age electronics have taken over. I feel as though handing your child an iwhatever all the time takes the place of just having fun with them! I don't remember playing with a bunch of electronic stuff (probably because there wasn't that much then) but I do remember having fun with my parents those memories are really special to me and I want the same for my kids. (This also applies to me, having the camera out is one thing but being glued to the phone, ipad or computer takes away from time spent with my son. I don't ever want to hear him say "my mommy is always on her phone/ ipad") I want them to remember the amazing forts we make, fun shaped pancakes on a Saturday morning and the nerf gun wars we will get into.
Patience this is a big one for me! I have the tendency to get impatient in life and I don't want to be an impatient mother. I want to enjoy each stage in life, even the hard ones. I guess that's where my patience will be tested the most. I want to find a way to always do things calmly even if that means walking away for a moment to compose myself before reacting to a situation. I believe in discipline but, I don't believe it should ever be based on how anger. I never want to lose my patience and end up regretting something I said that may have hurt their feelings.
Show the true meaning of love I am head over heels in love with my husband. He is a wonderful man and a true blessing to me. I want my children to see this. I want them to know what love looks like. I want them to see how two people in love treat each other and that at times they don't always agree on things. We hold hands and kiss often and it's not something we will not stop doing...I'm not talking making out in front of them, I'm talking the kind of a kiss when my husband comes home from work. There will come a day when they start to find love and when they do they will know how they are to treat the other person as well as how they should be treated.
Listen I want my children to know that they can tell me anything. I never want them to feel nervous to tell me things because they don't want to disappoint me. I want them to know that we will get through tough stuff as a family and they are never alone in this journey we call life.
Stay in The Word I grew up in church, in fact I asked my Mom when I was 5 if we could go to church. I have been going ever since! There is no doubt I am the person I am today from the realtionship I have with Jesus. I want my children to see that it's cool to be a Christian and that there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Don't lose Myself Motherhood really changes a woman. You make sacrifices for the better of your child and often put yourself last on the list. I never even think twice about it either! I never want to stop being me and let myself go because I have kids. I can't be the best Mom if I don't make time for myself or continue reaching for my goals.
I never want to be hard on myself I will make mistakes no doubt. My son will never know that his Mom is learning everyday just like him!
Great list! Popping over from the link up. :)